I, I-Jien Jane Kou, declares that this Android Game does not collect any user data, because it is a stand alone program without using network nor using database. I am the sole person who writes the code and creates the images of this Android game. This game program is purely built on Android SDK Extension without any third party software. I initally built this game in 2014. There were a few bugs fixing till 2016. There is no file in this game program connecting to any network. Moreover, there is not a single statement in any file in this game program storing any data. This program does not even open any database for storage.

This Android game does include Google's AdMob Ad. However, Ad Mob has terminated the Ad service for several years already, due to that I did not update AdMob version. Therefore, although the code appears to include the embbeded AdMob code that Google AdMob provides, AdMob actually already terminated its Ad service since many years ago. Also, due to I did not update AdMob version for many years, AdMob has terminated monetizing for several years. This can be proven by the many emails Google AdMob has sent me.

Because I am now an animation artist and no longer a computer programmer, I do not plan to update any of my games. This Android game has not made any money, not even a penny, for several years, as Google AdMob has terminated monetizing. If you like to support me as an artist, please check out my animation at RabbitWell.com

Thank you